There was a relationship between Midi-chlorian counts and potential in the Force, ranging from normal Human levels of 2,500 per cell to Jedi levels of more than 10,000 per cell. Midi-chlorian counts were linked to potential in the Force, ranging from normal Human levels of 2,500 per cell to the much higher levels of Jedi. I understand that Revan is a fan favourite but his feats are way often over stated even more than Starkiller's. Could I add my own midichlorian count list as well ? Word imagined by George Lucas to totaly fuck-up The misticism surrounding the force in Star Wars. It is believed that Anakin Skywalker, who was thought to have been conceived by the midi-chlorians, was the recipient of the highest known midi-chlorian count. WHAt DO YOU MEAN LIGHTSABER COLOR I DONT WANT A LIGHTSABER I'D CUT MYSELF IN HALF (me: BuT ThErE SoO CoOoOl) White to show I'm neither Jedi nor Sith. Steele's Star Wars podcast Steele Wars is a celebration of the fun and inspiration fans world wide find in the saga. Quiwan, Dec 7, 2001 #41. ( Jokes aside this list is in no particular order and 100% speculation) Anakin Skywalker 27,000/25,500 after loss of arm/17,500 after loss of limbs on Mustafar Darth Sidious 19,800/ 21,800 as of Dark Empire Yoda 18,800 Luke Skywalker 25,000/24,500 after loss of hand Midichlorian counts were only really used to give Qui-Gon and the Jedi council a reason to believe Anakin was The Chosen One, so I guess George or anyone else never came up with hard numbers for many others. Master Yoda. No one actually knows how a higher count presents itself as the person being more powerful in the Force through their abilities. All we know was Anakin had the highest midi chlorian in Jedi . JediNaruto 13 years ago #50. My title says it all , my quiz is all about figuring your midichlorian count.Unlike most midichlorian count . NO MIDI-CHLORIANS!!! Lucas' Star Wars Episodes I-III received a fan backlash that makes the reaction to Disney's handling of the franchise seem positively calm, and while a lot of reasons were cited - from contrived connecting of events to flat-out bad writing - one rallying . Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader = 27,700 Darth Sidious/Palpatine (with Kyber Crystal) = 20,500 Yoda = 17,700 Luke Skywalker = 14,500 Leia Organa Solo = 14,500 Aenon Jurtis (Most powerful Jedi Master prior to Yoda) = 14,200 At the red carpet premiere for Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation (which Abrams produced), the filmmaker took part in an amusing Q&A session with MTV, where he fielded a series of "yes or no" questions about Episode VII. Midichlorian Count List for the major Star Wars characters. Count Dooku. Midi-chlorians live within the bodies of all life-forms. What are the midi-chlorian counts of the Star Wars characters The midi-chlorian counts are as follows:-Anakin Skywalker = 27,700 . Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader 27800/26830 after his loss of his hand/17200 Darth Sidious 21500 Mara Jade 12200 Ben Skywalker 24000 Anakin Solo 22400 Jacen Solo 23700 Janina Solo 18900 Cade Skywalker 20500 Padme Amidala 2500 27000. " So take my quiz. In order to be Force-sensitive, you need a high enough count per cell to detect the energy. Midi-chlorian counts were measured through a blood test; the Jedi used this method to locate Force-sensitive children before their Order was purged by the Galactic Empire. To be considered training as anything Jedi related the bare minimum count an individual would need to have is 5000, knowing that the average Jedi would have a 10 000 count. Their existence was integral to the all-encompassing energy field known as the Force, connecting the Living Force to the Cosmic Force. Luke was a weak pathetic little baby, and possibly the epitamy of low when it comes to Jedi. The Emperor. When Qui-Gon discovers that the boy has an astonishing midi-chlorian count of over 20,000, which is more than Yoda's, he knows that . The Kaminoans. Sep 10, 2005. Legends Welcome to the Jedi Midichlorian count database . The star wars books are non-canon, I don't care what anyone says, they weren't made by george lucas. Trying to predict the true identity of characters is a time honoured tradition amongst hardcore Star Wars fans. In Canon we are not told Sidious Midi-Chlorian count. No one actually knows how a higher count presents itself as the person being more powerful in the Force through their abilities. Jango Fett. Also, keep in mind that Anakin has a midichlorian count higher than 99.999999999999999% of Jedi, and the fact that he'd probably fall under the Jedi Knight "class" doesn't really determine how many midichlorians the majority of Knights have. Jar Jar Binks. #10. I know some disagree but this is where I think he'd be, just above Yoda at his strongest but still below Starkiller.) Midi-chlorian was the scientific name for a species of sentient and microscopic organisms that inhabited the cells of every life form. Masters like Yoda have a midichlorian count of 19,000 and Obi-Wan who has a count of 18,000. (The Jedi Grandmaster.definitely the strongest in the Order when it came to Force usage.) Indeed, though Force ability often meant a high midi-chlorian count, it was not always the case. And then, because they're all interconnected as one, they can communicate with . According to J.J. Abrams interview with MTV, Rey (or for that matter entire Episide VII) has. Center: The summary statistics show that of the data set, Sith have a higher median of 14,050 midi-chlorians compared to Jedi's whose median is 12,350 midi-chlorians. 16 x 0.685 ≈ 11% mass lost. The highest known midi-chlorian count—over 20,000 per cell—belonged to the Jedi Anakin Skywalker, who was believed to have been conceived by the midi-chlorians. I would think all siblings would have very similar Counts. To be recruited as a Jedi, one needs to have a Midi-chlorian count of around four times that amount, and the most powerful Jedi Knights in Star Wars canon will have around six to seven times that figure. So Vader is closer to 90% of Palpatine by my crude calculations. The summary statistics also show that Sith tend to have a higher average midi-chlorian count at 14,177.5 midi-chlorians, while Jedi average a midi . January 21, 2021 Alice in wonderland . On average, every human has about 1,500 Midi-chlorians per cell. Add to library Discussion 9. Obiwan Kenobi. In the Star Wars universe every living thing has midi chlorians in their cells millions if not billions, the term "count" basically refers to the amount that a force sensitive person can use at his or her peak. Prequels quiz to replace your midichlorians with granola. Add 11% to mass of limbs lost to get 69% total mass left of Vader. Jedi usually range from from 2,500 to 16,000. What Is Your Midichlorian Count? 2. The way you interact and interface with this larger energy field [the Force] is through the midi-chlorians, which are sensitive to the energy. Kurk. In this episode I have made a what Midichlorian count your character would have in the Star Wars Universe! Hey everybody and welcome to Leia's Lair. Pretty good though I'd move Ahsoka up 5000 or so. Ordinary people, therefore, have a lower number, around 2,500, while the Jedi have more - Anakin has over. What are the midi-chlorian counts of the Star Wars characters. Anakin had a higher midi-chlorian count, Period. Midi-chlorians are tiny symbiotic life forms in the Star Wars universe. That is a sign of a very high midi-chlorian count, as midi-chlorians are drawn to those strong in the Force, and in turn rejuvenate that life form, making it live longer. 1500. none of this is correct the only midi-chlorian count we get is Anakin's and even then it is only a ballpark number of over 20000 and George Lucas has stated that Luke and Anakin have the same force potential that . The most midichlorians "per cell" a non force user would have is 2500. It is believed that Anakin Skywalker, who was thought to have been conceived by the midi-chlorians, was the recipient of the highest known midi-chlorian count. In the art of revenge of the Sith - George Lucas' top concept artist McCaig reveals that Padme had the most midichlorians of anyone in Star Wars - including . Ben/Jhon Skywalker (Luke Skywalker's son) = 14,000. Your Midichlorian count. And yet, for all that's the case, there is a reason the Jedi Council assigned Ahsoka . To be categorized on the first level, or the "normal" level, of midi-chlorian count, one would need to have around 2000 - 2500 midi-chlorians per cell. The midi-chlorian counts are as follows:-. Midichlorians may be one of the most hated aspects of the Star Wars prequels, but they were a part of George Lucas' mythology from 1977. What was Darth Vader's personal star destroyer called? Dooku and Kenobi can be switched too IMO. Midichlorian counts were only really used to give Qui-Gon and the Jedi council a reason to believe Anakin was The Chosen One, so I guess George or anyone else never came up with hard numbers for many others. What lightsaber color would you want to have. In Legends we knew Sidious count and many others. Total Warrior. For Starkiller, he probably had around 8,000-12,500 midichlorians, making his power-level between Darth Vader's and Sidious'. Doright Jedi Knight. Who was the template for all clones? Boutros-Boutros Jedi Youngling. for others, i could just go . This list shows approximately one hundred Force user's midichlorian counts. Anakin Skywalker was the Chosen One, after all, and according to Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace he had a midi-chlorian count even higher than Master Yoda; that means he should be considered a unique prodigy, as much an event in the Force as a person. Everything above would be mild to highly sensitive. April 4, 2021 Shera10 . They are at the core of your life, which is the cell, the living cell. Doright, Dec 6, 2001 #8. That would mean Vader, at 80 percent of the Emperor's power, would have had about 8,000-10,000 midichlorians. Midichlorian Count List for the major Star Wars characters :-----Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader = 27,700 Darth Sidious/Palpatine (with Kyber Crystal) = 20,500 Yoda = 17,700 Luke Skywalker = 14,500 Leia Organa Solo = 14,500 Aenon Jurtis (Most powerful Jedi Master prior to Yoda) = 14,200 . What is ur midichlorian count? From simple google searches you can find that Yoda's midi count was 18,000 per cell, Obi-wan's was 15,000, Palpatine's is said to be higher that Yoda's around 18,500-19,000, and the highest known was Anakin Skywalker's at 20,000 midis per cell. The highest known midi-chlorian count""over 20,000 per cell""belonged to the Jedi Anakin Skywalker, who was believed to have been conceived by the midi-chlorians. Essentially, the higher the midi-chlorian count, the more connected to the Force someone is - and so the more powerful they are. Kyp would have a higher midi-chlorian count than Leia Because in JS Luke tested both of them and found out that Kyp had the highest Potential, which makes him stronger in the force than Leia (But not necessaraly Luke if the above informatin is correct) Kyptastic, Sep 10, 2005. They are sensitive to the @SUPERKKEVIN 5,141 1 StarWars Tweets Share Result patterns 20 Diagnosis results: Fixed What we do know (from Legends, it may or may not be true for canon) is that normal, non-Force sensitive humans tend to have midichlorian counts around 2,500-3,000, with Force sensitives having higher numbers, but even the highest recorded that the Jedi knew about was lower than Anakin's numbers. Anakin Skywalker. Valiento, Dec 7, 2001 #42. The highest known midi-chlorian count belonged to the Jedi Anakin Skywalker (over 20,000 per cell), who was believed to have been conceived by the midi-chlorians. My quiz is a great quiz about trying to figure out your midichlorian count.Unlike most quizes it asks you stupid questions like how many Star Wars episodes are there but I ask good questions like," Do you have visions ? George Lucas' sequel trilogy plans (Image credit: Disney) At the red carpet premiere for Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation (which Abrams produced), the filmmaker took part in an amusing Q&A session with MTV, where he fielded a series of "yes or no" questions about Episode VII. (19113 / 20500 ) x 100 ≈ 0.93%. A person with a midi-chlorian count this low would likely never experience a call to the force or realize any abilities. NO MIDI-CHLORIANS!!! Yoda = 17,700. If one parent has a midichlorian count of 100 and the other has 50, maybe the child has 150. JediJSolo, Dec 6, 2001 #7. According to J.J. Abrams interview with MTV, Rey (or for that matter entire Episide VII) has. They are in a symbiotic relationship with the cell. Even if there were a difference in their midichlorian count, it wouldn?t be a measurable difference. MIDI Chlorian count is really how much midi chlorians a force sensitive user can use at their peak. btw, i gave a certain amount of midi-chlorians for each question. Going off some other fan theories, the blood being taken from Grogu that is being used in . In otherwords, he would be a disgrace to everything the Jedi stood for. They range from 2,500 to 20,000. While some medical theories postulated that the midi . I'm interested to know which individual, living or dead, Jedi or Sith, had the highest midi-chlorian count prior to Anakin's birth.Anakin was known to have been the "highest" when he was discovered and tested by Qui-Gon at more than 20,000 midi-chlorians.. QUI-GON : Make an analysis of this blood sample I'm sending you. We know Sheev's is 20500. MIdichlorians are the idea of how much power a jedi has. 19113. In Star Wars, your midichlorian count measures your potential with the force. Going off some other fan theories, the blood being taken from Grogu that is being used in . Add to library 3 Discussion 11. RED IS BEST COLOR RED COLOR OF BLOOD (me: YES red IS color OF blood but black better because black color OF DEATh) One of the most hotly debated topics among Star Wars fans since the release of The Force Awakens is the mysterious identity of Andy Serkis' motion capture character Supreme Leader Snoke! "The magnitude of the midi-chlorian count served as a measure of one's potential in the Force, though there were other inheritable characteristics that could influence Force ability as well. This list contains the Midichlorian counts of one hundred Force sensitives, ( Jokes aside this list is in no particular order and 100% speculation) Anakin Skywalker 27,000/25,500 after loss of arm/17,500 after loss of limbs on Mustafar Darth Sidious 19,800/ 21,800 as of Dark Empire Registered: Jun 10, 1999. The higher the midichlorian count, the more powerful one might be. (Two of the greatest Jedi/Sith ever. The levels of midi-chlorians can range in person from 2,000 to 25,000. Exar Kun: 18,700. Just 10 . Friend_of_Skylark, REBADAMS7, trianiigirl, Jauhzmynn, JoeSolo1, Deneveon thanks alot for taking the quiz and glad you liked it! All we know was Anakin had the highest midi chlorian in Jedi History at 20,000 Midi Chlorians. From simple google searches you can find that Yoda's midi count was 18,000 per cell, Obi-wan's was 15,000, Palpatine's is said to be higher that Yoda's around 18,500-19,000, and the highest known was Anakin Skywalker's at 20,000 midis per cell. Alright, this is sounding too much like DBZ now. The Mammoth Star Destroyer. Star Wars Midichlorian List I wanted to ask you guys what you think about this list. Shintor Beerus = 14,250. for some people, i made some questions worth more and others worth less based on what i figured their personalities to be or after reading some of your fanfics and bios. Boba Fett. Ever since that iconic Stormtrooper revealed himself to Princess Leia to actually be Luke . Who has the highest midichlorian count? Also, this has nothing to do with what I just said but I hate this theory- go **** yourself midichlorians! The Death Star. Registered: Mar 19, 2000. There was a relationship between Midi-chlorian counts and potential in the Force, ranging from normal Human levels of 2,500 per cell to Jedi levels of more than 10,000 per cell. The Midichlorian Count is by Steele Saunders, life long Star Wars fan and Australian comedian, podcaster and occasional TV presenter. The Prodigy. Midichlorians are the star wars equivilant of mitochondria, according to one of GL's interviews. This is never mentioned in the previous trilogy and changes the pre-conceived notion of how to gain the powers of the Force. 8. The higher the midi-chlorian count, the more powerful the holder can be with the Force. 11000. 16000. Darth Sidious/Palpatine (with Kyber Crystal) = 20,000. conveniently the Jedi machine topped out at 20k….‍♀️ In Legends, Obi-Wan's midichlorian count was around 15,000. Submit Answers Anakin Skywalker = 27,700. These define how force sensitive a jedi might be. 1 More posts from the StarWarsLore community 16 Valiento Jedi Knight. Yoda: 19,000. Vader's Fist. Yoda's was around 18,000, and Palpatine's is estimated to be just higher than Yoda's so let's say it's between 18,500 and 19,000. Levels of midi-chlorians can range in person from 2,000 to 25,000 Stormtrooper revealed to! There is a time honoured tradition amongst hardcore Star Wars, your midichlorian count.Unlike most midichlorian List... Know was Anakin Skywalker with 27,700 conveniently the Jedi stood for this percentage to get Yoda have a count... Who has the highest midi chlorian in Jedi from Grogu that is being used in the... 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